Decorating a Nursery- Nautical Style

We get a lot of requests for names spelled out in Signal Flags. A lot of thought goes into choosing a name for your child. Once you have decided, signal flags spelling out your baby’s or toddler’s name add a great touch to any nautical nursery. Because our banners are personalized you can choose first name, last name or anything that you wish to spell.  As your child grows the banner would also look good in a toddler’s room or any room with a nautical decor. Would also make a keepsake when they go off on there own. Because we make them from mainly Kona cotton they should last for a long time.

Below is a few examples of how they would look in a nursery. I chose the Valance, Horizontal and Vertical. Each would work depending on how much space you have. Also as you can see you can mount a curtain rod on the wall and hang a valance.

mark signal flag valance nautical

max vertical signal flag banner nursery

carter valance nursery banner

IB Designs, USA


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